call for a free quote: 123-456-7890
Marine Transport.
Both full containers and consolidated cargo.
Air Transport.
From and to any place
in the world.
Ground Transportation.
Both nationally and in the rest of Central America.
Forwarding Service.
Documentation required for your exports including permits and certificates.
Repackaging service.
For your exports, re-exports and local handling.
Location of Suppliers.
Search for options abroad through the network of freight forwarders worldwide.
Cargo Insurance.
Issuance of insurance and tracking certificate.
Customs Brokerage.
Advice and processing in the main national customs.
Weighing Service.
In the main port terminals
of the country.
Location of Buyers.
Search for options abroad through the network of freight forwarders worldwide.
Quality Inspections and Certifications.
Especially for fresh export fruit, issuance of reports in case of claims, issuance of inspection certificates. Lot traceability for claims purposes.
Fiscal Storage.
Advice, rate and complementary services.
of foreign client.
Local assistance for payments, shipments, inspections, etc.
of their purchases from
Costa Rican producers.
Receipt and Consolidation of loads for a single client.
Merchandise reception service, inventory management and preparation of consolidated containers for a single end customer, in locations where there is a warehouse in the USA,
Europe, Asia.
Payments to Third Parties
per account of customers.
If required, to carriers, terminals,
warehouses or other suppliers.